The Snow Geese William Fiennes

After a lengthy illness, Fiennes took time off before college and left England for Texas where he began to trace the return of a flock of snow geese to the Artic tundra near Churchill Canada.

It was a journey blessed with many people who offered him a helping hand and shaped his traveling experience and understanding of migration of humans and animals. How nature and animals react to the tides and times is well explained and revisited over many chapters. Of note is the exposition of the circadian cycle of living things. Though it is a write up of an odyssey of the feathered kind, it points back to Fiennes who after almost a year's travel in the US yearns to return to where he came from.

It is a nature, travel and science book all in one, beautifully written in prose-like manner. The flight of the geese northwards and his wait for spring to come is poignant and lyrical. It is worth buying the book for a second and third read.


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